The psychology of self-confidence: 15 traits of self-assured individuals

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the psychology of self confidence The psychology of self-confidence: 15 traits of self-assured individuals

In a world filled with self-doubt, being self-confident is like having an emotional superpower.

But what does it really mean to be self-confident, and what does it look like in everyday life? 

Does it mean strutting around like a peacock or pretending you’re the next Einstein?

Thankfully, it’s a lot more nuanced (and a lot less exhausting).

Buckle up as we uncover the psychology of self-confidence by exploring fifteen traits that self-assured individuals proudly exhibit.

1) They believe in themselves

This might seem like stating the obvious—akin to saying, “Hey, did you know the Earth revolves around the sun?” But it’s worth repeating because it’s so foundational.

Self-confident people believe in their abilities, and they trust in their judgment.

They don’t wait for others to validate their worth; they know it intrinsically.

Like emotional gold miners, they’ve discovered their internal value and don’t need anyone else to stamp it.

But don’t confuse this with arrogance; they’re aware of their shortcomings and continually strive to improve.

2) They embrace challenges

Life loves tossing problems at us like a relentless tennis ball machine.

Self-confident people, instead of cowering in the corner, grab their rackets and hit back.

They see challenges as opportunities for growth, not as insurmountable roadblocks.

Remember: They’re the kind who would look at Mount Everest and think, “What an exciting hike,” rather than, “That’s a whole lot of nope.”

According to psychologist Albert Bandura, this proactive approach towards difficulties stems from a strong sense of “self-efficacy”, a cornerstone of self-confidence.

3) They practice self-compassion

Picture self-confident people as their own best friends. They treat themselves with kindness and understanding, particularly during moments of failure or stress.

Instead of beating themselves up over mistakes (because let’s face it, we’re humans, not robots), they offer themselves the comfort and consolation they would to a close friend.

They understand that everyone has off days when even making instant noodles feels like rocket science.

This trait of self-compassion is essential for self-confidence as it promotes resilience and a positive self-image.

In fact, a study by the University of Texas at Austin found a strong correlation between self-compassion and psychological well-being.

So, the next time you’re having a bad day, try giving yourself a metaphorical pat on the back.

It’s good for your self-confidence, and it’s a lot cheaper than therapy!

4) They celebrate their successes

Self-confident people don’t wait for a marching band to celebrate their victories; they’re their own biggest cheerleaders.

Whether it’s acing a tough project or finally perfecting a recipe after countless “edible” disasters, they take pride in their accomplishments.

This isn’t about gloating or seeking external validation, but about acknowledging their efforts and reinforcing their belief in their abilities.

So, the next time you achieve something, even if it’s as simple as assembling an IKEA shelf without leftover screws, celebrate!

5) They set healthy boundaries

Just like they wouldn’t let anyone invade their personal space in a queue, self-confident individuals don’t allow anyone to overstep their emotional boundaries.

They know their worth and respect their own needs, ensuring that they’re not taken for granted. 

Saying ‘no’ is not a taboo for them, but a sign of self-respect.

As per psychologists, setting boundaries is vital for maintaining self-esteem and mental health, essential components of self-confidence.

6) They welcome constructive criticism

signs your strong personality is intimidating others at work 1 The psychology of self-confidence: 15 traits of self-assured individuals

To self-confident individuals, constructive criticism isn’t a bunch of sour lemons, but the ingredients for a refreshing lemonade.

They understand the value of feedback for their growth and improvement.

They view criticism as a chance to learn and develop, rather than an attack on their self-esteem

So, they take those lemons, make lemonade, and continue to better themselves.

7) They are comfortable with vulnerability

Vulnerability is often seen as a weakness, but self-confident people beg to differ.

They’re comfortable showing their authentic selves, warts and all.

They understand that being vulnerable isn’t about oversharing or playing the victim; it’s about embracing their humanity and creating genuine connections.

They know that it’s okay not to have all the answers and to ask for help when needed. After all, even superheroes need sidekicks!

Research by Dr. Brené Brown suggests that vulnerability is the birthplace of creativity, innovation, and change – qualities that self-confident people possess in abundance.

So, remember, it’s okay to let your guard down sometimes; it’s not a bug in your system, but a feature.

8) They cultivate a positive mindset

People with high self-confidence are like the DJs of their own mindset – they choose to play uplifting and optimistic tunes over self-deprecating or negative ones.

They focus on their strengths and possibilities rather than obsessing over weaknesses and limitations.

They believe in their potential to improve and succeed, helping them navigate life’s ups and downs with optimism.

However, this doesn’t mean they’re oblivious to reality; they understand the existence of hardships but choose to view them through a lens of positivity.

Remember: they’re not burying their head in the sand; they’re just wearing rose-colored glasses.

9) They practice self-care

Self-confident people know that their body is their emotional temple, and they take care of it. 

They understand that physical well-being significantly impacts mental health and self-perception.

Therefore, they prioritize regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. 

And no, “balanced diet” doesn’t mean a cookie in each hand, tempting as that sounds. 

Regular self-care activities help them recharge and face challenges with a more positive attitude, boosting their overall self-confidence.

10) They surround themselves with positive influences

Self-confident individuals are picky about their company – and rightly so.

They prefer to surround themselves with positive, uplifting individuals who encourage and inspire them.

Rather than naysayers who drain their energy faster than a phone running all social media apps simultaneously.

They understand that their environment plays a significant role in shaping their self-perception and outlook on life.

As motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” 

So, they consciously choose their tribe, ensuring it comprises people who respect, value, and support them.

11) They take responsibility for their actions

People with high self-confidence are the captains of their own ship.

They take responsibility for their actions and the consequences that come with them, whether good or bad.

They don’t play the blame game or pass the buck when things go south.

Instead, they understand their role in the situation, learn from their mistakes, and work towards rectifying them.

By doing this, they’re not only earning respect from others but also reinforcing their belief in their capability to influence outcomes, further boosting their self-confidence.

12) They continually learn and grow

signs youre more resilient than you give yourself credit for The psychology of self-confidence: 15 traits of self-assured individuals

Self-confident people are like intellectual sponges—they’re always thirsty for knowledge and growth.

They continuously seek opportunities to learn new skills, explore fresh ideas, and broaden their horizons.

They’re not afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone because they know that’s where the real growth happens.

It’s like swapping a cozy hobbit-hole for an adventurous quest – scary but oh-so rewarding!

13) They understand the importance of balance

Like skilled acrobats, self-confident individuals understand the importance of maintaining balance in their lives.

They strive to harmonize various aspects—work, relationships, hobbies, self-care, etc. They recognize that focusing too much on one area can lead to burnout and dissatisfaction.

They’re not trying to master a chaotic juggling act; they’re just ensuring they don’t drop the balls that matter most.

14) They have a strong sense of self-worth

Self-confident people know their worth and don’t tie it to external factors such as accomplishments, looks, or approval from others.

Their self-esteem isn’t a seesaw that fluctuates with every praise or criticism. Instead, it’s deeply rooted in their belief in their inherent value as an individual.

They appreciate their unique qualities and strengths, which reinforces their self-confidence. 

According to a study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, a stable sense of self-worth contributes to better mental health and less susceptibility to depression and anxiety.

15) They are resilient

Resilience is the emotional armor of self-confident individuals.

They understand that life is not always a smooth ride, and setbacks are inevitable.

However, they don’t let these challenges knock them out. Instead, they dust themselves off, learn from the situation, and bounce back stronger than before.

They see failures as temporary hurdles, not dead ends.

This resilience, according to psychologists, is closely tied to self-confidence as it instills a sense of control and positive self-perception.

So, remember: What doesn’t kill you doesn’t just make you stronger; it also makes you more self-confident!

Where self-confidence starts

Self-confidence, dear reader, doesn’t just sprout overnight like a mushroom after the rain.

It’s more like a garden that you need to tend diligently and patiently.

So, where does this gardening start? It starts within you, in the fertile soil of self-acceptance and self-love.

Self-confidence begins the moment you start viewing yourself through a lens of compassion rather than criticism.

It grows each time you step out of your comfort zone and embrace new challenges, like trying that exotic dish you can’t pronounce or dancing like no one’s watching (even when they are).

It blossoms each time you affirm your worth, not based on your achievements or what others think of you, but based on your inherent value as an individual.

Cultivating self-confidence requires nurturing a positive relationship with yourself.

It’s about appreciating your uniqueness and accepting your imperfections.

Because let’s face it, we’re all gloriously imperfect beings trying to navigate this roller coaster called life.

The roots of self-confidence are also nourished by a growth mindset, an idea introduced by psychologist Carol Dweck.

This mindset involves viewing failures as opportunities to learn and grow, which is a vital component of self-confidence.

Your self-confidence garden will flourish with time and patience. So, start planting those seeds today, and watch your confidence bloom.

Gershom Mabaquiao

Gershom Mabaquiao is a scholar of psychology, oral tradition, and interpersonal relationships. His creative works have been published in's Young Blood section, The Unconventional Courier, and Tint Journal. He lives in the Philippines with his best friend-turned-partner and their dog, Zuko. Gershom has plans of taking his master's degree in Clinical Psychology to help young adults heal the inner child in each of them.

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