10 eye-opening ways to spot a manipulator before it’s too late

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spot a manipulator 10 eye-opening ways to spot a manipulator before it's too late

Ah, manipulation one of the oldest tricks in the book! It’s a tactic used by people to control others and gain an advantage over them.  

It is a subtle form of abuse that can be hard to spot, especially if you are not aware of the signs. Manipulators often use charm, flattery, and other tactics to deceive their victims into doing what they want. 

However, by learning how to spot the signs of a manipulator, you can protect yourself from being taken advantage of. In this article, we will discuss 10 eye-opening ways to spot a manipulator before it’s too late. Let’s get it.

1) They play the victim card

Manipulators often portray themselves as victims, claiming that they are being mistreated, abused or misunderstood. 

They use this tactic to gain sympathy and manipulate others into doing what they want. They may also use guilt to make you feel responsible for their problems, even though you have no control over them.

If someone is always a ‘victim’, perhaps you’ll get the sense that something’s off. It may be a sign that they are trying to manipulate you into doing something you don’t want to do.

If that doesn’t work, they may resort to flattery…

2) They use flattery to get what they want

Manipulators are often skilled at using flattery to get what they want. They may compliment you excessively to make you feel good about yourself. 

They may also use this tactic to gain your trust and make you more susceptible to their manipulations and ulterior motives.

If someone is using flattery excessively, be wary. They may be trying to manipulate you into doing something you don’t want to do.

So beware of excess flattery! Especially when it comes across as a little disingenuous. You may well be a victim of manipulation.

They might even make you doubt yourself. Speaking of which…

3) They make you doubt yourself

Manipulators often try to make their victims doubt themselves. 

They’ll may criticize your decisions, opinions, or beliefs, and make you feel like you don’t know what you’re talking about. They do this to make you more vulnerable to their deceptive ways.

If you feel like you’re constantly second-guessing yourself, then watch out, you might be a victim of manipulation. When people doubt themselves, they become far more susceptible to manipulation.

The next move will likely be gaslighting. And now since we’re on the topic…

4) They use gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation where the manipulator tries to make the victim doubt their own memory, perception, or sanity.

Maybe they’ll deny something they said or did, even though you know it’s true. They may also make you question your own memory or perception of events.

My ex used to gaslight me all the time. Even though it was crystal clear in my memory, she was so convincing in making me doubt what happened causing me frustration and extreme confusion. I’d question the sequence of events and eventually, she’d win. 

And gaslighting is a form of emotional blackmail…

5) They use emotional blackmail

why youre jealous and insecure in your relationship 10 eye-opening ways to spot a manipulator before it's too late

Emotional blackmail is a tactic used by manipulators to control their victims. 

They may threaten to withhold love, attention, or support unless you do what they want. They may also use guilt to make you feel responsible for their emotional well-being.

If you notice the pattern of always feeling sorry with some confusion, take a step back to assess your situation. It is often a telltale sign that they are trying to exploit you for their own advantage.

And if you don’t do it, they’ll often resort to guilt tactics…

6) They make you feel guilty

Manipulators often use guilt to make their victims do what they want. They may make you feel like you owe them something or that you are responsible for their problems. 

You’ll often feel like the guilty party here. And remember, this is all intentional to put you at their mercy and make up for whatever it is you “did wrong.”

When you feel some unnecessary guilt, be wary. This could be a very sly but all too common manipulation trick!

7) They isolate you from others

Manipulators often try to isolate their victims from others to gain more control over them. 

They may discourage you from spending time with friends or family or make you feel like you have to choose between them and the manipulator.

If someone is trying to isolate you from others be cautious. It is a sign that they are trying to control you and limit your support network.

Look, I know, you’ve consulted all your friends and they’re all telling you to run! But the grip of attachment is a powerful one. 

So what can you do to to improve your situation? 

Well for starters, begin with yourself. Stop looking for quick fixes, deep down, you know this real change has to come from within you. Eventually, you’ll unleash that personal power inside you and everything will fall into place.

Personally, I learned this from the shaman Rudá Iandê. Although I was really skeptical at first, the guy has changed my life. His mission is to help people restore balance to their lives and unlock their creativity and potential. 

He has an incredible approach that combines ancient shamanic techniques with a modern-day twist. It’s really quite extraordinary. 

In his free video, Rudá explains effective methods to achieve what you want in life like break away from that manipulator and live a happy and fulfilling life and maximize our potential. We all deserve better.

So if this sounds appealing start by checking out his genuine advice. 

Here’s a link to the free video again

8) They make you feel like you owe them something

Manipulators often make their victims feel like they owe them something, even if they have done nothing wrong. 

This tactic is used to make you feel like you have to repay them for something they did for you in the past.

If someone is making you feel like you owe them something, be cautious. It is a sign that they are trying to manipulate you into doing something you don’t want to do.

This is such a common manipulation tactic, so beware! So is changing the subject…

9) They change the subject when confronted

Manipulators hate accountability. They avoid being confronted about their behavior.

Perhaps they’ll change the subject, deflect blame onto others, or deny any wrongdoing. 

They do this to avoid accountability and maintain control over their victims.

If they get a bit defensive when you confront them, that’s a surefire red flag. It is a sign that they are trying to manipulate you and avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

And never forget, always look for consistency in their actions!

10) They are inconsistent with their words and actions

Manipulators often say one thing and do another

They may make promises they don’t keep or act differently around different people. They do this to confuse their victims and maintain control over them.

If someone is inconsistent with their words and actions, be cautious. It is a sign that they are not trustworthy and may be trying to manipulate you.


In conclusion, manipulation is a form of abuse that isn’t always easy to spot. And the bottom line is it’s all about control. However, once you learn the red flags, you’re effectively protecting yourself. If you notice any of the signs discussed in this article, trust your instincts and stand up for yourself!

Seek help and support from loved ones or professional counselors, because you deserve respect and dignity!

If you’re being manipulated, it’s time to break free from the grip of a manipulator and reclaim your power.

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