You’ll never be truly happy in a relationship if you do these 12 things

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youll never be truly happy in a relationship if you do these things You’ll never be truly happy in a relationship if you do these 12 things

Do you ever feel like something is missing from your relationship, despite your best efforts to keep it afloat?

You’re in love, you care about your partner, but something’s not clicking. The happiness and fulfillment you seek always seem just out of reach. Why?

Well, you may be sabotaging your chance at true happiness in your relationship without even realizing it.

Let’s dive into 12 barriers that won’t allow you to embrace happiness in your relationship.

1) You neglect self-care and personal growth

Let me tell you a secret:

Happiness in a relationship starts with you. 

Imagine trying to fill someone else’s cup when your own is empty. It’s a task doomed to failure, right? 

Not taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally can cause feelings of burnout and resentment. 

But you need to know one thing:

Self-care isn’t just about spa days and chocolate cake. 

It’s about looking after your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. It’s also about personal growth. 

The truth? A happier you often means a happier relationship.

2) You’re failing to communicate effectively

We all know that communication is key in any relationship, right? 

But how often do we actually apply this knowledge?

Effective communication involves more than just talking about your day. 

It’s about sharing your feelings, desires, concerns, and fears with your partner. It’s also about listening and trying to understand their point of view. 

Just think about this:

Ever had a disagreement escalate into a full-blown argument due to a misunderstanding? 

If you keep things bottled up, it can lead to misunderstandings, resentment, and conflict.

Speak your mind, share your feelings, but always remember to do it in a respectful way.

3) You refuse to resolve conflicts in a healthy way

Here’s the deal: no relationship is free of conflict

However, the way you handle those conflicts can make or break your relationship.

Are you guilty of sweeping issues under the rug, hoping they’ll magically disappear? Or do you engage in explosive arguments that do more harm than good?

Let’s face it: neither approach is healthy. 

The key lies in how you resolve them.

Instead, try to address issues calmly, respectfully, and with a genuine desire to find a solution.

4) You’re not setting boundaries

Sound strange? 

Well, here’s the kicker: a healthy relationship respects individual space and time. 

By not setting boundaries, you risk overstepping, and that can lead to feeling suffocated or overwhelmed. 

And you know what?

Setting boundaries in a relationship isn’t about creating barriers; it’s about respect.

It’s about expressing your needs, desires, and limits to your partner, and expecting them to honor these.

Trust me, it’s not selfish to prioritize your own needs. It’s a crucial part of maintaining a healthy, happy relationship.

5) You focus on the negatives and not the positives

Ever heard of the saying, “What you focus on grows”? 

If so, let me ask you another question:

Do you often find yourself focusing on your partner’s flaws and the things they do wrong, rather than their strengths and the things they do right?

The thing is that negative thinking can cloud your perception of your partner and your relationship.

Instead, try to appreciate the good aspects. Express gratitude for the love and companionship your partner brings into your life.

Remember to acknowledge the good things in your relationship, and you’ll see the happiness quotient rise.

6) You don’t show appreciation and gratitude

warning signs youre dating a man with mommy issues 1 You’ll never be truly happy in a relationship if you do these 12 things

Do you take your partner’s actions for granted?

Well, then you need to know that this can lead to your partner feeling undervalued and neglected.

But here’s the thing:

Gratitude is a powerful force. 

Trust me, it can transform your relationship from a source of stress into a source of joy.

And you know what else?

A simple “thank you” or “I appreciate you” can go a long way toward strengthening your bond. 

That’s why you should recognize the effort your partner puts into the relationship, and express your appreciation regularly.

7) You don’t invest time in understanding your partner’s needs

Imagine buying a dog lover a cat. 

Not a good fit, right? 

It’s the same with your partner’s needs. 

Let me explain how this works:

Every individual is unique, with their own set of needs and desires. It’s crucial to take the time to understand your partner’s needs – both spoken and unspoken.

Invest time and effort in learning what makes your partner feel loved, appreciated, and secure. 

Believe it or not, meeting these needs can create a deeper connection and promote mutual happiness.

8) You hold onto past hurts

Remember that time your partner forgot your anniversary or said something hurtful during an argument? 

Yes, that one. Are you still holding on to that?

Here’s the bitter truth: clinging to past hurts can hold you back from embracing happiness in your present relationship.

We all make mistakes, and saying or doing something hurtful doesn’t define your partner’s overall character or intention. 

Instead of holding onto past hurts, try having an open conversation about it. Explain how it made you feel, and look for ways to avoid similar situations in the future.

But wait, there’s more: forgiveness is key. 

That’s when you’ll find happiness seeping back into your relationship.

9) You compare your relationship with others

Comparing your relationship to the seemingly perfect ones on social media? Maybe you’re even thinking, “Why can’t we be like them?” 

Let’s be real, we’ve all done it.

But hold on a second. 

Every relationship is unique and has its own rhythm. By comparing, you might be setting unrealistic expectations, causing unnecessary stress. 

Just because a couple appears happy doesn’t mean they don’t have their fair share of struggles.

Let’s put it this way: if you’re always comparing your relationship to others, you’ll always find something lacking because you’re focusing on a selectively highlighted part of others’ lives.

10) You’re not flexible or open to change

Here’s a newsflash: change is the only constant in life. This is just as true for relationships.

Perhaps your partner got a new job and is now busier, or maybe they’ve developed new interests. Whatever it is, changes are bound to happen.

Now, here’s the question: are you open and flexible to these changes, or do you resist them?

Resistance to change can cause friction in your relationship. Remember, just as you evolve individually, your relationship also needs room to grow and adapt.

It’s about understanding and supporting each other through life’s ebbs and flows. Be flexible, be supportive, and watch your relationship flourish.

11) You’re not prioritizing your relationship

relationship with someone who lacks emotional depth You’ll never be truly happy in a relationship if you do these 12 things

Are you so caught up with work, chores, or social commitments that you barely have time for your partner? 

Well, then it’s high time to rethink your priorities.

Not prioritizing your relationship can make your partner feel neglected and unimportant. This can lead to feelings of resentment and disconnection.

But here’s the good news: It’s never too late to start.

Start by allocating quality time for each other – a romantic date, a shared hobby, or just a cozy night in. These moments spent together can strengthen your bond and rekindle the spark in your relationship.

Remember, a relationship needs constant nurturing. Make your partner and your relationship a priority, and you’ll find your way back to happiness.

12) You avoid vulnerability and emotional intimacy

And here’s the final and perhaps the most important thing that doesn’t let you feel happy in your relationship:

You maintain a wall around your emotions, hesitant to let your guard down. Sounds familiar?

Here’s the thing about vulnerability – it’s scary. The idea of exposing your deepest fears, desires, and feelings can be daunting. But believe it or not, it’s one of the cornerstones of a truly happy relationship.

Why, you ask?

Vulnerability allows emotional intimacy to flourish. It is the act of baring your soul to your partner, allowing them to see you – the real you. 

So, are you keeping your emotions locked away in a fortress? If so, consider opening the gates. You might be surprised by the deeper connection and happiness you can achieve.

So, are you preventing your own happiness?

Now, reflect on these points. 

Do any of them ring true for you? 

If so, you might as well need to know that the common thread running through all these points centers around:

  • Putting effort into your relationship — Effort equals care and interest. It’s the small, everyday things you do for your partner and the relationship that counts.
  • Practicing clear and honest communication — This is not only about talking but listening too. Active listening lets your partner know you value their thoughts and feelings.
  • Understanding and fulfilling each other’s needs — This means going beyond the surface, investing time and effort to genuinely understand what your partner needs, and doing your best to fulfill them.
  • Embracing change and flexibility — Relationships are dynamic, just like life. Being open to change and staying flexible can help your relationship adapt and grow through life’s twists and turns.
  • Making your relationship a priority — Amidst the hustle of life, it’s easy to sideline your relationship. Making it a priority means investing quality time and energy into nurturing and strengthening your bond.

Recognizing these behaviors and understanding their impact is the first step toward positive change. After all, your happiness is largely in your own hands. 

After all, your happiness is in your own hands. So, make the decision today to stop these self-sabotaging behaviors and work towards a happier, healthier relationship. You deserve it!

Nato Lagidze

Nato is a writer and a researcher with an academic background in psychology. She investigates self-compassion, emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and the ways people make decisions. Writing about recent trends in the movie industry is her other hobby, alongside music, art, culture, and social influences. She dreams to create an uplifting documentary one day, inspired by her experiences with strangers.

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