10 reasons why people with emotional depth are so easily misunderstood

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newimagesize 2023 07 17T081834.012 10 reasons why people with emotional depth are so easily misunderstood

In a busy, fast-moving world where a lot of people only care about surface-level stuff, many forget how important it is to be able to feel what others feel.

Actually, it’s often seen as a hassle. Not many people take the time to really look deep into themselves and others and think about their feelings to grow as people.

Because of this, people who are really good at understanding emotions often find themselves going against the norm and being misunderstood by others.

If any of this sounds familiar to you, you might want to know why that is. Here are some reasons:

1) They Tend to React with Great Passion

People with emotional depth often feel things on a deeper level. You can really see in their faces that they’re terribly upset when they’re sad, although this doesn’t mean they always get reactive or cry out in public.

In my case, emotions are something I can’t easily shrug off – it’s funny, but when I’m elated, I even do a happy dance.

When I’m sad, there’s just no way I can hold back my tears, especially when alone.

An emotionally deep person can also feel for others, especially their loved ones.

That’s why you may notice that these types of people in your life tend to get furious when someone has hurt you or also get excited over the things you look forward to.

Some people may not understand how transparent people with emotional depth can be.

That’s why they’re often seen as weak or “emotionally immature,” even when they’re actually strong and mature enough to express themselves responsibly.

2) They Might Sometimes Prefer Being Alone

Do you ever feel too overwhelmed by everything happening around you that you want to hole up in your bedroom?

I experience that every so often, too. As people with emotional depth tend to feel things deeply and absorb everyone’s energy, they sometimes get too overstimulated in several situations.

And because of this, they usually move away to recharge their social batteries.

People with emotional depth are often misunderstood and seen as a snob who can’t get along with others because of their need to move away from overstimulating situations.

Others might not feel as distressed over loud noises or watching movies featuring sensitive scenes. Not many might understand their reaction to these stimuli.

But it’s important to remember that not all people with emotional depth are introverts, while they have similar traits.

3) They Usually Understand Both Sides of the Story

As people with emotional depth feel things differently, they usually understand both sides of the story in a conflict.

They don’t usually accept things at face value and take a side without looking at the bigger picture.

People who are really good at understanding emotions are usually pretty grown-up emotionally.

They get that people have strong reasons for doing what they do. But that doesn’t mean they make excuses for others when they mess up.

Sadly, some folks can get the wrong idea about these emotionally smart people. They might think they’re untrustworthy or can’t make up their minds. That’s because they can see both sides of an argument.

Like this one time when two of my friends were fighting. They were saying mean stuff to each other. I tried to help them make up by talking to each one separately.

I wanted them to say sorry to each other and understand where the other was coming from.

But they both thought I was sticking up for the other friend, like I was on their side. I could see why they felt that way.

So, if you’re good at understanding emotions, it’s always important to make sure you explain what you mean clearly.

4) They Often Have Strong Beliefs and Motivations to Change the World

People who are really good at understanding and feeling emotions often want to make big changes in the world.

They can imagine themselves in someone else’s shoes, really feeling their pain, especially when it comes to people who don’t have a fair shake.

Because they can feel others’ pain so deeply, they usually can’t just sit back and ignore when people are being hurt or treated unfairly.

Most of the people I know who are like this really care about standing up for what’s right.

They don’t just feel bad for people who are being hurt or silenced, they want to do everything they can to help and make the world a better place for everyone.

Some folks who don’t really get it see them as dreamers or too sensitive. They even think of them as silly for spending their time on causes they think won’t make a difference.

5) They Sometimes Get Overwhelmed by Their Emotions

I’ve noticed that people who really understand emotions have a tough job. They have to handle their own feelings and learn healthy ways to deal with them.

Sometimes, they feel so much that it can be too much to handle.

This can lead to not being able to share what they’re feeling in a healthy way and acting without thinking, which can make people misunderstand them.

I know this because I’ve been there.

At first, I made a lot of mistakes. I would get too caught up in my emotions and act without thinking. People didn’t understand why I acted the way I did.

Even though my feelings were real and mattered, I understood that I’m still responsible for how I act.

So, I really worked hard to learn how to handle and share my feelings in a healthy and grown-up way.

6) Others Don’t See What They See

Many times, people don’t understand those who are good at understanding emotions because they can’t see what these people see.

They don’t notice the small things in how people feel or understand why it’s so important.

Of course, not everyone is as good at feeling what others feel, and they often make the mistake of thinking too much and saying things that can hurt others’ feelings.

I’ve had people tell me that I think too much about things or that I’m too sensitive.

But they don’t get that not everyone needs advice or an explanation all the time.

Sometimes, people just need someone to listen and feel with them.

Those who are really good at understanding emotions usually know the difference.

7) Others Don’t Appreciate the Value of Empathy

People who are really good at understanding emotions are often not understood because others don’t see how important it is to be able to feel what others feel.

It’s sad, but it’s not surprising in a world where people think you always have to be tough to get by and succeed.

They don’t think it’s important to be kind enough to learn from mistakes, grow, and live a life that really means something.

They see being able to feel what others feel as something that doesn’t matter.

Not everyone thinks being able to feel what others feel is important, so they don’t always get why people who are really good at understanding emotions do what they do.

But what they don’t realize is that someone who can really understand how people feel can make some of the most beautiful things in the world.

They’re also the kind of people who can make the world a better place with their kindness.

8) Others Take The Boundaries They Set the Wrong Way

For a person with emotional depth, establishing healthy boundaries is important.

As they tend to feel things on a deeper level, they’ve learned the hard way to protect themselves and avoid getting hurt by others as much as possible.

They’re always sincere about connecting with others, so they want to ensure breeding healthy relationships as much as possible.

A person with emotional depth always communicates their boundaries calmly, clearly verbalizing their thoughts and emotions.

And they won’t hesitate to keep their distance if someone continues to cross the boundaries they’ve set.

But sadly, not all people can understand and respect this. That’s why they’re often seen as a snob just because they’re firm about what’s okay and what’s not.

9) They Don’t Feel The Need To Explain Their Side of Things

I’ve mentioned earlier that emotionally deep people have a big responsibility in managing their emotions.

Because of this, they’re likely to become emotionally mature more quickly than others.

And one of the things I’ve learned is that I don’t always have to explain myself to others, especially when I know that they don’t really care about me. What others think about me is their problem.

When I thought about it, I realized that this might just be one of the reasons why people with emotional depth are often misunderstood.

As they don’t usually waste time explaining the other side of the story, people who aren’t sensitive enough won’t ever understand how they’d feel or what drives them to act the way they do.

10) Their Emotional Maturity Can Make Them Quiet

As mentioned, emotionally deep people deal with a tidal wave of emotions.

But getting over this and learning from mistakes makes them more emotionally mature and calmer, finding peace of mind.

This gives a person wisdom to tread life according to their pace and become more introspective.

Emotionally deep people focus on what really matters and live life to the fullest, without needing to prove themselves to others.

Because of this, they’re often misunderstood by others, mostly by those who have lost themselves chasing over superficial things.

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Lachlan Brown

I’m Lachlan Brown, the editor of Ideapod and founder of Hack Spirit. I love writing practical articles that help others live a mindful and better life. I have a graduate degree in Psychology and I’ve spent the last 6 years reading and studying all I can about human psychology and practical ways to hack our mindsets. If you to want to get in touch with me, hit me up on Twitter or Facebook.

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