If someone does these 12 things, they’re highly insecure

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highly insecure If someone does these 12 things, they're highly insecure

Insecurity is a complex beast, often masquerading as braggadocio or shrinking into self-effacement. 

Some signs are glaringly obvious, while others are subtly hidden beneath layers of overcompensation. 

It’s an intricate dance between self-doubt and self-protection. But remember, we all grapple with insecurity in one way or another. 

In this exploration, we’ll examine 12 behaviors that suggest someone might be wrestling with their self-worth. 

No judgment, just understanding.

1) They constantly seek validation

It’s natural to desire appreciation and validation from time to time. We all enjoy being recognized for our efforts. 

But when someone continually seeks out praise or approval, it may be an indication of their underlying insecurities. 

They may be relying on external validation to boost their shaky self-esteem. 

Recognize this behavior for what it is, a cry for reassurance, and respond with kindness and empathy.

2) They’re a chronic one-upper

Ever met someone who always has a better story, a bigger achievement, or a more thrilling experience to share? 

Sure, it can be entertaining initially, but it often masks a deep-seated insecurity. 

In their quest to appear superior or more exciting, they’re overcompensating for feelings of inadequacy. 

It’s less about the stories they’re telling and more about the validation they’re seeking. 

Let’s remember to approach these individuals with patience and understanding.

3) They’re overly critical of others

It’s said that we are often most critical of the things in others that we dislike in ourselves. People who regularly criticize or belittle others are often projecting their own insecurities. 

Their need to point out flaws or shortcomings in others is a defense mechanism to divert attention away from their own perceived inadequacies. 

So, next time someone is overly critical, remember they may be battling their own insecurities. 

And maybe, just maybe, approach them with a little more compassion.

4) They can’t accept compliments

While this might seem counterintuitive, people who struggle with insecurity often have a hard time accepting compliments. 

They might downplay their achievements, brush off praise, or immediately deflect the compliment back onto the giver. 

This is because they often doubt their own worth and feel uncomfortable when attention is drawn to their successes. 

Instead of letting them deflect, reinforce the compliment and reassure them that they truly deserve it.

5) They’re always fishing for compliments

On the other end of the spectrum, some insecure individuals constantly fish for compliments. 

This could take the form of self-deprecation or constantly highlighting their achievements in the hope of getting praised. 

While this can sometimes seem like attention-seeking behavior, it’s often a sign of a deeper insecurity. 

Try to recognize their need for reassurance and, where possible, offer genuine compliments to help boost their self-esteem.

6) They never take risks

For those grappling with insecurity, the fear of failure can be paralyzing. They might shy away from new experiences or opportunities out of fear of embarrassment or rejection. 

They would rather stay within their comfort zone than risk looking foolish or incompetent. 

Recognizing this fear, we can encourage them to take small risks and celebrate their efforts, regardless of the outcome, to help build their confidence.

7) They often make jokes at their own expense

habits of people with high self esteem If someone does these 12 things, they're highly insecure

A little self-deprecating humor can be endearing, showing a person doesn’t take themselves too seriously. However, if someone is constantly making themselves the butt of their own jokes, it could signal a deeper insecurity. 

They might be using humor to deflect attention away from their perceived flaws or to beat others to the punch. 

Approach such people with empathy, and reassure them of their worth when appropriate.

8) They’re controlling

Sometimes, insecure people try to control every aspect of a situation to prevent anything from going wrong. 

They fear the unpredictability of life because it can expose their perceived inadequacies. 

These individuals might micromanage others, resist changes, or have difficulty delegating tasks. 

While it might be easy to label them as overbearing, understanding that this behavior springs from insecurity can help us react with more patience and compassion.

9) They brag excessively about their achievements

Ever come across someone who never misses an opportunity to flaunt their successes? 

While it’s natural to share our achievements with others, constantly boasting might be a sign of insecurity. 

These individuals might be trying to convince themselves, more than anyone else, of their worth. 

A little gentle teasing can be an effective way to keep their boastfulness in check. However, remember to balance it with genuine praise for their real accomplishments.

10) They’re overly defensive

An overly defensive reaction to even minor criticism or disagreement could indicate underlying insecurity. 

They may perceive such instances as personal attacks, causing them to feel threatened and respond aggressively. 

This is their way of protecting their fragile self-esteem. 

When you encounter such defensiveness, try to express your views more tactfully and reassure them that disagreement or criticism doesn’t lessen their worth.

11) They constantly compare themselves to others

An insecure person often measures their worth based on how they stack up against others. 

They are likely to be engaged in constant comparison, either feeling superior or inferior, but rarely feeling content. 

This behavior arises from a place of insecurity and a lack of self-confidence

Encouraging such individuals to focus on their unique strengths and accomplishments can be a gentle way to steer them away from constant comparison.

12) They hide their true selves

People who are highly insecure might hide their true selves behind a mask of pretense. 

They may portray a persona that they believe to be more likable, successful, or confident, hiding their perceived flaws and weaknesses. 

This act is exhausting and often stems from a fear of rejection or judgment. 

Encourage honesty and authenticity in your interactions with such individuals, and reassure them that they are valued for who they are, not the mask they wear.

Truths about insecurity

The shifting face of insecurity

Insecurity is often misunderstood. It doesn’t always wear the face of timidity or self-deprecation. 

Sometimes, it’s concealed behind a veil of braggadocio, constant one-upmanship, or relentless criticism of others. 

Recognizing this helps us view people’s actions in a new light and respond with more understanding. 

It’s not about condoning negative behavior, but about realizing that these actions often stem from a place of deep insecurity and self-doubt.

Insecurity is normal

Everybody, at some point or another, grapples with feelings of insecurity. It’s a natural part of the human experience. 

We all have moments of self-doubt and questioning, moments when we feel we don’t measure up. And that’s okay. 

It’s important to remember that we’re not alone in these feelings and to offer ourselves, and others, a hefty dose of compassion when insecurities surface.

Acknowledging insecurity healthily

There’s a way to recognize and manage our insecurities without belittling ourselves or overcompensating. 

It involves accepting our imperfections, focusing on our strengths, and practicing self-compassion

It’s about turning inward and providing ourselves the same kindness and understanding we extend to others. 

And most importantly, it’s about understanding that our worth is not defined by comparison with others but by our own unique attributes and achievements.

How to handle insecurity properly

warning signs a man has low self esteem If someone does these 12 things, they're highly insecure

Acknowledge your feelings

The first step in dealing with insecurity is acknowledging its presence. Don’t shy away from these feelings; instead, try to understand what’s causing them.

Practice self-compassion

Be gentle with yourself when insecurities creep in. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding you would offer a friend in a similar situation.

Reframe negative thoughts

Try to change your negative self-talk into something more positive. 

For every self-critical thought, counter it with something you appreciate about yourself.

Focus on your strengths

Instead of dwelling on your perceived weaknesses, focus on your strengths and what you’re good at. This can help boost your confidence and lessen feelings of insecurity.

Set realistic goals

Setting and achieving realistic goals can boost your self-esteem. Start with small, manageable goals, and gradually take on bigger challenges.

Surround yourself with positive people

The people we surround ourselves with can significantly impact our self-esteem. Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who uplift you rather than bring you down.

Seek professional help if needed

If your feelings of insecurity are overwhelming and affecting your quality of life, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. 

There’s no shame in getting the support you need.

Practice self-care

Regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and taking time for activities you enjoy can significantly improve your mood and energy levels, helping to keep insecurities at bay.

Keep a gratitude journal

Keeping a daily record of things you’re grateful for can shift your focus from negative thoughts and help you appreciate what you have.

Remember, it’s okay to make mistakes

Making mistakes is a part of life and a critical part of growth. Don’t beat yourself up over them. Instead, try to learn from them and move forward.

Final words

It’s entirely normal to feel insecure at times—we all do. 

But it’s essential not to let these insecurities define us or dictate how we live our lives. 

Embrace your unique journey, with all its flaws and imperfections. Trust that you have the strength to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. 

You’re more resilient, more capable, and more extraordinary than you give yourself credit for. 

So, give yourself a high five, look in the mirror, and say, “I am enough.” Because you truly are. 

Don’t just exist in the shadows of insecurity. Shine, thrive, and stand tall in your greatness.

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