5 ways you can feel after hypnosis [+ 5 tips to help you recover]

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how do you feel after hypnosis 1 5 ways you can feel after hypnosis [+ 5 tips to help you recover]

There’s more to hypnosis than the crystal pendulum swinging back and forth in front of someone’s face. 

Hypnosis can actually help with mental health issues and lead a person to positive changes in their lives.

Hypnotherapy techniques include triggers to relax, calm down and process things in a healthier way. 

But how are you supposed to feel after hypnotherapy? Will you ever be the same person as before?

Let’s dive into 5 ways you can feel after hypnosis and tips to help you recover.

1) Peaceful and relaxed

People who think they can’t relax, either physically or mentally, might be surprised to find out the possibilities after being hypnotized. 

Sometimes, it’s easier to follow somebody else’s commands to stay relaxed than to follow our own bodies’ clues.  

Strange, right?

But this is how it works. When someone helps you to relax, you’ll feel like you’re floating in the air.

Your limbs will be relaxed, and you’ll feel like you can’t really move and don’t even want to try. 

When I entered a “floaty” state of mind via hypnosis, I felt a little bit scared because the relaxation state was so much deeper than the one that I can receive by myself. 

So, if you’re someone who can’t easily relax, you might perceive this feeling the same as being light-headed or groggy. 

Your mind will be adapting to this new way of “being,” and it might take a while before relaxing actually starts to feel good. 

2) More sensitive than usual

Some hypnotherapists can be a little too active when it comes to addressing your concerns, while others will try to settle into a series of relaxing triggers first. 

It’s important to remember that you will only face your traumas when you’re prepared to do so, but the goal of hypnotherapy is to help on the way. 

Anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses are the “area of expertise” when it comes to hypnosis. 

Negative memories can trigger other emotions, like enhanced sensitivity, crying, or feeling “out of control.” 

Your therapist must ensure you have the right tools to deal with this before helping you face bad memories.

Hypnosis isn’t magic, so your issues won’t be resolved instantly. The goal is to first strengthen your mind to then tackle its issues. 

So, if you feel more sensitive than usual after a therapy session–it’s normal. Don’t overthink it.

3) Anxious or tense

If you’ve gone through a particularly intense hypnotherapy session, your mind might be slightly triggered after it. To give you an idea, you can feel one or a few of the following things:

  • Anxiety or distress;
  • A headache or migraine;
  • Feeling like you’re not “in your body” entirely;
  • Tired, anxious;
  • Unable to think clearly.

It’s good to highlight that this effect is temporary, and it has more to do with your mind tackling some long-unresolved issues. 

After a few minutes or even a few hours, the effects should dissipate. Give yourself time to rest and even cry if needed, but it’s a key moment in your therapy sessions, so don’t stop your progress. 

Another thing I can recommend is trying breathwork. 

I learned about this technique from some of my friends who practiced specific breathing exercises to ease their anxiety. But I only tried it when I stumbled upon Rudá Iandé’s masterclass.

Rudá is a world-known shaman who dedicated his life to helping others overcome difficulties. He teaches about the power of unleashing your creativity and getting rid of the unhelpful patterns we’ve learned. 

After practicing his breathing techniques for some time, you will feel more peaceful and more capable of facing the triggering memories or thoughts that came up during and after my hypnotherapy sessions. 

Watch the masterclass if you want to help yourself recover after a session with your hypnotherapist.

4) Unusual sensations in your body or mind

Feeling a little strange, especially after the first hypnotherapy sessions, isn’t weird at all. It’s nothing to worry about, actually! 

It’s normal to feel disoriented, especially if we have a hard time relaxing or haven’t been able to relax. 

Some people feel spaced out, and it’s okay. Hypnosis is a powerful tool, and it might take a while to get used to it. 

These feelings aren’t going to last forever. After a few minutes, the effects of the session dissipate, and you’ll be able to carry on normally. 

5) Tired or sleepy

This ties into the “relaxing” effect. Sleep can be induced after a therapy session for a simple reason: our minds need to rest as much as our bodies. 

While we sleep, our brains can process all kinds of emotions and help us feel a lot better. 

Believe me, it’s better than holding on to negativity and anxiety. The sense of calmness after a good night of sleep is something not all of us appreciate in its importance. 

Here are the reasons why you might feel sleepy after a hypnotherapy session:

  • You went deep into your subconscious mind, and your body needed time to realign afterward; 
  • You’ve uncovered memories that were previously repressed into your subconscious mind;
  • You’ve released some emotions that were weighing you down heavily. 

Take all the time you need to rest, cry, or laugh at your problems. 

Then, analyze how your session went and what useful insights you can take from it.

Hypnosis aims to clarify the messages of your subconscious, and if you’ve never listened to it, starting out might feel hard. 

Recovering after a hypnotherapy session

how do you feel after hypnosis 3 5 ways you can feel after hypnosis [+ 5 tips to help you recover]

If you just started your sessions and you don’t know what to expect from them, here are some  useful tips on recovering. 

1) Prioritize self-care and rest

Both your physical and emotional health are important after a hypnotherapy session. Make sure you don’t plan anything energy-consuming after the session, and get some rest. 

Try to eat well, practice relaxation, and sleep as much as you need

It will all depend on your energy levels: you might feel a rush and get things done, or you might just need to lie down for a while. 

If you’re unsure how to plan your day after the session, you can ask your hypnotherapist what to expect before each session and plan accordingly. 

2) Be proactive about your own healing

This isn’t something that happens to you, you have free will, and you will only get hypnotized effectively if you really want to. 

Your therapist might make it easier, but if you play an active part in your own healing, you will get better results. 

If you feel afraid or shy, or even worse, if you try to resist getting hypnotized, it’s better to let the professional know about your doubts and fears. 

They can help you work through these impediments to make the therapy more effective. If they give you homework to do, go ahead and do it. 

You can ask all the questions you need, which will greatly help you through the process. 

3) Remain hopeful

It may seem like the therapy isn’t helping you when you just start doing it.

I know that as I’ve been there.

I felt like I was wasting my time and money on something weird that was not bringing me any instant results.

But this isn’t the case. Hypnotherapy takes time to change your habits and patterns. It doesn’t happen in an instant.

Be patient and hopeful. 

Of course, it may be that the practitioner isn’t your cup of tea, and you better find another therapist. But give it at least a few tries before jumping to conclusions and thinking that it’s not worth your time.

4) Snuggle up

Hypnotherapy places great importance on physical comfort, aside from a safe environment and relaxation. 

Try to do the same when you go home. Don’t schedule important appointments: watch a movie, eat something delicious, or order in. 

Help yourself to go through these intense emotions and create a safe space at home. You may even want to light some candles and turn on your favorite comfort movie. 

Why not? 

Do whatever makes you feel comfy and safe.

5) Remain open to new things

If this is your first time trying hypnotherapy, make sure to keep an open mind and be willing to experiment with new emotions. 

After all, if you’ve tried other things and they didn’t work, there’s a reason why you want to see what happens with hypnotherapy. 

Yes, you may feel all sorts of feelings, and they may be the ones you’ve never felt before. 

But how else should new neuron connections form in your brain if not by trying new methods and paths?

If at first, you don’t feel comfortable, give it some time. When you can trust your hypnotherapist, you will notice positive changes. 

Most common questions about hypnosis

how do you feel after hypnosis 4 5 ways you can feel after hypnosis [+ 5 tips to help you recover]

How does the process of hypnosis work?

The short answer is that we don’t have a definite knowledge of why hypnosis works. 

The theory most people agree with is that the mind works differently under the deep state of relaxation that is hypnosis: 

  • Your conscious mind takes a break and goes silent;
  • You can tap into a different state of mind, where your core beliefs and perceptions are stored;
  • You can accept gentle guidance from an expert hypnotherapist, who helps you change these core beliefs, especially the negative ones, into positive and helpful ones. This changes your behavior over time. 

What is the usual or typical outcome of a hypnosis session?

Before the first session, your hypnotherapist has to explain the process and set goals for you to achieve over time. 

Then, a therapist will help you relax and enter a meditative state through gentle encouragement. Sometimes these encouragements will include mental images that will bring you a feeling of safety and well-being. 

When you’re finally in an open state of mind, your hypnotherapist will suggest different ways how you can improve. 

What are the advantages of hypnosis?

There are several benefits to trying hypnotherapy. These are some of them: 

  • Solving old issues:  Hypnotherapy is a highly reliable treatment method as it has been proven to resolve a wide range of issues effectively. Whether you are struggling with a significant concern or a minor problem, hypnotherapy can provide a viable solution with relative ease;
  • Centered around the person: Hypnotherapy is tailored to meet each patient’s specific needs, ensuring a highly personalized treatment approach. In other words, hypnotherapy is customized to suit the unique requirements of the individual seeking its benefits. 
  • It helps to get over addictions like drinking or smoking. 
  • It can ease high levels of pain. 
  • You can ease mental illnesses such as insomnia, anxiety, and even depression, provided you’re also doing other treatments if it’s necessary. 
  • Getting over irrational phobias, like the fear of open spaces. 

What’s the recovery time after a hypnosis session?

The duration of hypnotherapy can vary greatly, depending on several factors, such as the nature of the condition being treated, the specific type of therapy employed, and the individual’s response to the treatment.

Typically, hypnotherapy sessions last between one and one and a half hours. While the average number of sessions required is four, this may vary depending on the severity of the issue.

It is important to note that the effectiveness of hypnotherapy depends on the individual’s mental strength, and a stronger mindset generally leads to quicker recovery.

Are you safe while you’re being hypnotized?

Of course!

Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state that can be harnessed for various beneficial purposes.

However, there are certain rare situations where hypnosis may not be recommended for an individual. 

These may include cases where an individual is experiencing acute psychosis, is below the age of five, or has not given their consent to participate in the hypnosis process.

What are the uses of hypnosis?

While it is challenging to compile an exhaustive list, hypnosis can be applied to a wide range of issues. Some of the most important ones include:

  • Managing stress levels;
  • Stopping harmful addictions;
  • Reaching a healthy weight;
  • Lowering pain levels;
  • Getting motivated more easily;
  • Improving the quality of sleep;
  • Enhancing creativity in daily life;
  • Accomplishing certain goals;
  • Recovering from loss;
  • Processing traumaж
  • Reducing phobias to a manageable level;
  • Increasing our focus;
  • Improving the memory retention;
  • Getting higher levels of confidence.

Would I be able to maintain control of my thoughts and actions while undergoing hypnosis?

This tends to be one of the most common questions because some people are terrified of losing control of their bodies and minds while under hypnosis. 

It’s very understandable! 

However, it’s worth saying that the person doesn’t lose control during a hypnosis session; they merely enter a meditative state. 

Hypnosis can’t happen if the person being hypnotized doesn’t want it to happen. 

You will be conscious and relaxed, but even this might take a while. You are in control the entire time, and nobody will make you do things you don’t want to. 

In a nutshell

Hypnosis is a truly transformative experience that can help you tap into your innermost thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and beliefs. 

With the expert guidance of a trained hypnotherapist, you can alter your thinking patterns to effectively manage your health issues.

While hypnotherapy may not be suitable for everyone, it can prove to be a powerful and successful complement to traditional mental health or medical therapy practices.

If you’re intrigued by the potential benefits of hypnotherapy, don’t hesitate to discuss it with your healthcare provider. 

They can provide you with valuable information and even refer you to a qualified hypnotherapist.

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